Welcome Note

Dear Guests, on behalf of the entire membership, the Governing Council, the Secretariat of the Rwanda Bar Association (RBA) and my own behalf, I have the pleasure to welcome you to the Rwanda Bar Association website. This website provides access to a range of information in relation to the Bar Association structure and Activities. We trust that you will find information contained on this website useful.

President of Rwanda Bar Association

Our Services

Legal Aid
The Rwanda Bar Association provides services such us Providing information to the public; Handling complains between advocates and the public; Providing legal information, advice, orientation, mediation, and legal assistance & representation to indigent and vulnerable people free of charge.
Service to Advocates
The Rwanda Bar Association provides the different services to its membership including Training Programmes for Advocates; CAPA (Certificat d’Aptitude a la Profession d’Avocat) Certification; Medical Insurance for RBA members and their dependants; Providing Towhom it may concern document / Recommendation letter and Professional Cards Issuing
Legal Education
As Every application for an Annual Practicing authorization has to be accompanied by proof that the applicant has secured at least two Credits (or 30 hours) of CLE during the previous year the Bar Association provide continuous legal education to members according to the calendar of the current year.
CLE Calendar November 2024
Medical Scheme
For the sake of a sustainable response to the increasing problems related to advocates’ health insurance, the Council of the Rwanda Bar Association established a health insurance scheme funded and managed by the Bar Association. Rwanda Bar Insurance scheme provide medical services to its members and their families in different medical facilities and Pharmacies all around the country. Below are contracted medical facilities and pharmacies with the Rwanda Bar Association
Medical facilities partnered| RBA , Pharmacies partnered| RBA

Senior Advocates

Interns Advocates

Mentorship session for young lawyers , 29th july 2022

Rwanda Bar Association is committed to building capacity and skills development for young lawyers. R read more ...

Urugaga rw'Abavoka rwibutse abakoraga umwuga nk' uwabavoka (mandataires en Justice) bishwe muri Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi 1994

Kuwa 29/04/2022 Urugaga rw' Abavoka rwibutse abakoraga umwuga nk' uwabavoka(mandataires en Justice) read more ...

RBA Celebrating women's day | The 30th March 2022

On March 30, 2022 the women lawyers of the Bar Association in partnership with Rwanda bridges to jus read more ...

Forum des Jeunes Avocats. Kigali, 17-18 Janvier 2020

Kigali, 17-18 Janvier 2020 . Pour la première fois le Barreau du Rwanda a organisé un Forum des Jeun read more ...

Our Sponsors



Ministry of Justice
The Judiciary of Rwanda